Sunday 17 May 2009

First Day Training @ Subang

15/05 is the first day I start my new job my new job is the Noodle Station Penang Super Komtar Branch Manager… So today I need to come over to Subang Jaya HQ here to start my training, my training should b around 1 month la…

I take the bus from Penang at 9am, the bus start move on the time, and then reach to KL Pudu around 2pm… The person in charge at Subang Jaya was busy, so they ask me take cap from Pudu to Subang Jaya SS15/04….

I ask few cap at Pudu, some of them wan my paid RM 60, this is the first time I take cap alone at KL, I noe sure giv ppl cop wan.. At the end, I choose a indian driver which is request for RM 50.. I noe this is very expensive, but no point already, pus this wan can claim back from boss… hihi.. The Indian driver some more said tat ll send me reach til in front of the shop, that’s why I choose him…

At first I duno what happen wan, at the end I found it d… This Indian driver, he duno how to go the destination I wish to go wan…. On the way go there, he ask few ppl for the venue.. He also got plan that just simply go down from the cap at somewhere near to SS15, then ask me find myself.. but I remember that he said ll send me tl in front of the shop wan, that’s why I told him like this.. lucky, at the end he also said ok send me til the shop...

Around 45 minutes, at the end I reach n I found the shop at Subang d…

The person in charge was not around, so I had welcome by a malay staff.. She bring me go to my room, then ask me rest first.. The first impression for me about the room is OMG, the room really simple til I also duno how to said d.. Inside there only have 1 pillow, 1 bed n aso 1 fan, the fan some more like long time no ppl use liao… I just reach here few hours, but I start feel that not so comfortable d…

Today is the first day I am here, so mostly the thing I learn from them is about the computer thing… they teach me how to close the computer, how to send the report to HQ, how to update the information for the sales, how to print report, then how to operate the coffee machine aso… lucky the staff here stil can said is friendly.

I so hope this 1 month training can fast fast finish n also I can back to pg… I miss my home, I miss my bed, I miss my family n also I miss my fren so much…

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