Wednesday 17 September 2008


This morning when i saw u online, i so happy.. at the end, i stil can chat wit u again.. tat time my heart told me is i should happy or should worry to u ?

at the end, i chat wit u de.. when i get noe tat u n him now already become couple de, my heart duno should happy or should sad.. happy is cause finally u n him can together, u found someone tat u can depends on ur life de.. sad cause i noe finally my dreams all gone de.. u no longer belongs to me liao..

not i no wan tell u all the thing tat girl tell me.. is just i noe now u n him together de, i should respect ur bf.. i shouldn't said something bad bout ur bf wan..tat girl told me all the thing aso is bad thing related to ur bf wan.. tat's why i choose to keep silent.. but at the end, i aso said some of tat to u.. but cant said some, mostly the part all i noe, i already tell u de.. u should noe this thing.. he should tell u all the thing..

jsut now, when i login my friendster, i saw my profile again.. from wat u tell me recently, i think it again n again n again .. i duno whether v stil can together back in future or not, but for respect u, i guess i should delete the thing which is i post at friendster de.. even i really no wan go to delete, but i aso need to delete, cause now u no longer belongs to Mr Alex Soon Kok Kheng de.. ur bf name not this wan de.. so when i delete the feature frens there, the slide show, i so so so so so sad for tat.. i duno the reason why u no wan delete all the thing inside friendster, i aso remember i said tat i wont delete all the thing first, i ll wait u delete first then only i delete wan.. but at the end, i delete first..

u tell me tat u ll responsible for all the action n decision tat u make b4.. now i wan tell u is no matter u choose is me or him or others guys, once u stay happy, the enough de.. u r the one tat i cant put down even break for 2 weeks de.. this is not others reason, cause i stil love u, i worry to u... i understand u so much, u understand me so much, both of us aso got 1 same point, v wan worry to each others, but v din hope our couple to worry for us.. mayb now u worry to me just from the frens side only, no matter how, i worry to u cause i act u is my lovely..


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